Why eSports are the New Music Videos

The Christian Science Monitor (no plug intended) is running an article on marketing to millennials thru eSports. The text contains good points, albeit generic, on the what and why of eSports popularity across the millennial generation [Let’s keep in mind that the terms eSports and marketing are catch-all terms, but to keep it simple we’ll discuss them at a 10,000 ft view]. There’s nothing in CSMonitor’s article that hasn’t already been said before. However, an understanding of the zeitgeist is missing from the dialogue. Namely that eSports is to the millennials what music videos were to Gen X.

Before the advent of MTV, music was consumed entirely different. Radio ruled the day. And short of live concerts, music was to be heard not visually experienced. However, the merger of video and music created an entirely new genre of media. A similar shift has taken place with eSports. Traditionally, sporting events were tied to the TV screen. Unless you purchase a ticket to a match, it’s been ingrained that TV is the medium for consuming sport. eSports has turned that dynamic on its head. In a handful of years, professional/amateur competitive video game play streamed over the Internet have come to outrank traditional sport matches. Marketers must grasp this fact fully in order to establish genuine connections with the community of viewers.

Approaching eSports today, like another viewing segment or even a traditional sport is a mistake. It’s crucial to recognize that eSports represents more than just “people watching other people playing video games.” It also signals a change in direction for media consumption across the board. In the same way that music videos were wildly popular first with the Gen X’ers, it wasn’t long before videos were selling albums to everyone. Similarly, more people of all ages will continue to cut the cord and become harder to reach.

In this light, it matters less and less if everyone considers eSports a sport or not. At the end of the day, it is a wildly entertaining competitive activity that’s here to stay. More importantly, it heralds the future of media consumption. Marketers must pay attention to the big picture and realize it’s bigger than kids watching kids play video games. Those that do, will win. Those that don’t, will miss the gravy train.

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Alex Fletcher is founder & president at eSports Group, where he helps customers meet their eSports advisory & consulting needs. When Alex isn’t glued to a screen, he spends time with his wife, their two dogs, and pretends to learn Polish. Feel free to stalk him on Twitter – @FletchUnleashed

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